

职  称:青年研究员
职  务:
专  业:地质工程
电子信箱: jhzhu@lzu.edu.cn
传  真:
2013.09-2017.06 兰州大学,土木工程与力学学院,地质工程,学士
2023.01-2024.08 美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校,土木与环境工程,联合培养博士(外导:Craig H. Benson院士)
2017.09-2024.09 兰州大学,土木工程与力学学院,地质工程,博士(导师:张虎元教授)
2025.03-至今 兰州大学,土木工程与力学学院,青年研究员
1. 黄土工程地质
2. 废弃物地质处置
2015年 第十届周培源力学竞赛全国三等奖
2017年 研究生国家奖学金








  1. Zhu, J.H., Zhang, H.Y.*, Ma, G., et al. Effect of loess and paleosol distribution on tunnel stability in thick paleosol strata of Chinese Loess Plateau[J]. Acta Geotechnica, 2024, 19, 5175-5203.
  2. Zhu, J.H., Wang, Z., Zhang, H.Y.*, et al. Density spatial distribution and anisotropy of full-scale bentonite-sand blocks[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 438, 137230.
  3. Zhu, J.H., Zhang, H.Y.*, Chen, X., et al. Modifying the linear packing model for predicting the packing density of GMZ bentonite pellet mixtures[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 419, 135505.
  4. Zhu, J.H.*, Tan, Y., Benson, C.H., et al. Using viscosity as an index for polymer loading of bentonite-polymer composite geosynthetic clay liners[C]. GeoAmericas 2024, 2024, Toronto, Canada, 1-9.
  5. Zhu, J.H., Zhang, H.Y.*, Ma, G., et al. Ground temperature distribution and evolution of Lanzhou subway in the Chinese Loess Plateau[J]. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2023, 43, 102803.
  6. Zhu, J.H., Zhang, H.Y.*, Ding, Z., et al. Stability analysis of tunnels in expansive soil using convergence-confinement and empirical methods[J]. Transportation Geotechnics, 2023, 43, 101118.
  7. Zhu, J.H., Wang, T., Zhang, H.Y.*, et al. Alkaline buffer characteristics and mechanism of Gaomiaozi bentonite in high-level radioactive waste repository[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2023, 82(13), 346.
  8. Zhu, J.H., Zhang, H.Y.*, Wang, T.T., et al. Temperature monitoring and sensitivity analysis of tunnel in swelling paleosol layer of the Chinese Loess Plateau[J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2022, 81, 518.
  9. Zhu, J.H., Zhang, H.Y.*, Yang, S., et al. Physico-mechanical properties of loess-paleosol sequence from Q4 to Q1 strata in the Chinese Loess Plateau[J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2022, 81, 416.
  10. Liu, W., Zhu, J.H.*, Zhang, H.Y., et al. Geological conditions of saturated soft loess stratum and influence of tunnel excavation and dewatering system on its groundwater environment[J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2022, 81, 128.
  11. Zhu, J.H., Han, S.X., Zhang, H.Y.* Compression behavior and structure of undisturbed Q2 loess under wet-dry cycles[J]. Soils and Foundations, 2022, 62(4), 101165.
  12. Zhu, J.H., Su, Z., Zhang, H.Y.* Soil-water characteristic curves and hydraulic conductivity of Gaomiaozi bentonite pellet-contained materials[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2022, 81(3), 92.
  13. Zhu, J.H., Zhang, H.Y.*, Wang, Z., et al. Physico-mechanical properties of thick paleosol in Q1 strata of the Chinese Loess Plateau and their variations during tunnel excavation[J]. Engineering Geology, 2021, 295, 106426.
  14. 朱江鸿, 余荣光, 韩淑娴等. 干湿循环下不同初始干密度泥岩强度劣化研究[J]. 铁道学报, 2021, 43(10), 109-117.
  15. 张虎元*, 朱江鸿, 马国梁等. 兰州地铁地温分布特性及其演化规律[J]. 中国铁道科学, 2020, 41(02), 63-72.
  16. 朱江鸿, 韩淑娴, 童艳梅等. 干湿循环对不同密度砂岩强度劣化的影响[J]. 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 47(03), 126-134.
  17. Yang, S., Zhang, H.Y.*, Zhu, J.H., Sun, B., Zhou, G. Salt accumulation in heritage sandstones under continuous wick effect conditions[J]. Studies in Conservation, 2023, 68(5), 512-528.
  18. Liu, W., Zhang, H.Y.*, Zhu, J.H., Hu, A. Strategies for gully stabilization and highland protection in Chinese Loess Plateau[J]. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2022, 10, 812609.
  19. Wang, Y., Zhang, H.Y.*, Tan, Y., Zhu, J.H. Sealing performance of compacted block joints backfilled with bentonite paste or a particle-powder mixture[J]. Soils and Foundations, 2021, 61(2), 496-505
  20. Zhang, H.Y.*, Tan, Y., Zhu, F., He, D., Zhu, J.H. Shrinkage property of bentonite-sand mixtures as influenced by sand content and water salinity[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 224, 78-88.
  21. 张虎元*, 王赵明, 朱江鸿, 周光平. 混合型缓冲材料砌块渗透性及其各向异性研究[J]. 岩土力学, 2022, 43(03), 573-581+601.
  22. 张虎元*, 杨盛清, 孙博, 朱江鸿. 石质文物盐害类型与蒸发速率的关系研究[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2021, 40(S2), 3284-3294.
  23. 张虎元*, 丁志南, 谭煜, 朱江鸿, 曹志伟. 压实膨润土-砂混合物最佳养护湿度研究[J]. 岩土力学, 2021, 42(11), 2925-2933.
  24. 甄作林, 朱江鸿, 于贵, 盖玉玺, 张虎元*. 兰州地下轨道交通围岩热物理参数试验研究[J]. 现代隧道技术, 2020, 57(02), 163-168.
  25. 毛洪运*, 朱江鸿, 喻小, 毕俊翔, 李忠民. 强夯法消除风积粉细砂湿陷性研究[J]. 工程地质学报, 2019, 27(04), 745-752.
  26. 甄作林, 朱江鸿, 张虎元*, 马国梁, 盖玉玺. 砂土导热性能测试与预测研究[J]. 地下空间与工程学报, 2018, 14 (06), 1577-1586.