职 务:
专 业:固体力学
电子信箱: liuxiaojing@lzu.edu.cn
传 真:
2. 亚细胞结构生物力学
2. 计算力学与仿真实践(本科生课程)
3. 数值方法(本科生课程)
4. 数值方法实践(本科生课程)
5. 小波理论及应用(研究生课程)
6. 力学中的数学方法(研究生课程)
2. 甘肃省青年科技人才托举工程入选者(2017年)
1. 超导块体强非线性多场耦合断裂特性的小波多分辨封闭分析方法,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2022.01-2025.12,主持。
2. 湍流高精度普适求解技术研究,国家重大项目科研外协项目,2020.11-2022.12,骨干研究人员。
3. 梁板强非线性动力特性的时空封闭解耦小波分析方法及其定量研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2016.01-2018.12,主持。
4. 弹性力学问题的小波无网格法,甘肃省青年科技人才托举工程项目,2017.06-2020.06,主持。
5. 非线性结构动力学问题的时空完全解耦小波精细方法研究,国家重点实验室开发基金项目,2015.10-2017.12, 主持。
6. 复杂环境与介质相互作用的非线性力学,国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目,2015.01-2017.12,主要研究人员。
1. Xiaojing Liu, Guirong Liu, Jizeng Wang, Youhe Zhou, A wavelet multiresolution interpolation Galerkin method with effective treatments for discontinuity for crack growth analyses, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2020, 225: 106836.
2. Xiaojing Liu, Guirong Liu, Jizeng Wang, Youhe Zhou, A wavelet multi-resolution enabled interpolation Galerkin method for two-dimensional solids, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2020, 117: 251–268.
3. Xiaojing Liu, Guirong Liu, Jizeng Wang, Youhe Zhou, A wavelet multiresolution interpolation Galerkin method for targeted local solution enrichment, Computational Mechanics, 2019, 64: 989–1016.
4. Xiaojing Liu, Jizeng Wang, Youhe Zhou, A space–time fully decoupled wavelet Galerkin method for solving a class of nonlinear wave problems, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017, 90: 599-616.
5. Xiaojing Liu, Jizeng Wang, Youhe Zhou, A space–time fully decoupled wavelet Galerkin method for solving two-dimensional Burgers’ equations, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2016, 72: 2908–2919.
6. Xiaojing Liu, Jizeng Wang, Xiaomin Wang, Youhe Zhou, Exact solution of multi-term fractional diffusion-wave equations with Robin type boundary conditions, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 2014, 35: 49-62.
7. Xiaojing Liu, Youhe Zhou, Lei Zhang, Jizeng Wang, Wavelet solutions of Burgers’ equation with high Reynolds numbers, Science China Technological Sciences, 2014, 57: 1285–1292.
8. Xiaojing Liu, Youhe Zhou, Xiaomin Wang, Jizeng Wang, A wavelet method for solving a class of nonlinear boundary value problems, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2013, 18: 1939-1948.
9. Xiaojing Liu, Youhe Zhou, Xiaojing Zheng, Jizeng Wang, Charging efficiency improvement by structuring lithium battery electrodes, Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 111: 114303.
10. Xiaojing Liu, Youhe Zhou, Huajian Gao, Jizeng Wang, Anomalous flexural behaviors of microtubules, Biophysical Journal, 2012, 102: 1793-1803.