职 务:
专 业:工程力学
电子信箱: pancl@lzu.edu.cn
传 真:
2011/09-2016/12:University of Pittsburgh,Civil Engineering,Ph.D.
2. 结构计算分析
3. 微分方程数值解法
4. 复分析和高维代数分析
1. US Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRC Grant,NRC-38-10-924,Nuclear Engineering Faculty Development Project, 参与者。
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(50778104)“弱形式求积元法的发展与应用”,参与者。
[1] Pan, C., & Yu, Q. (2017). Investigation of an arbitrarily shaped inclusion embedded in a two- dimensional finite domain. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 126,142-150
[2] Pan, C., & Yu, Q. (2015). Disturbed elastic fields in a circular 2D finite domain containing a circular inhomogeneity and a finite interfacial zone. Acta Mechanica, 226(5), 1457-1470.
[3] Pan, C., & Yu, Q. (2014). Inclusion problem of a two-dimensional finite domain: The shape effect of matrix. Mechanics of Materials, 77, 86-97.
[4] Yu, Q., Pan, C., & Tong, T. (2013). A multi-Scale Material Model for Predicting the Multi- Decade Behavior of Concrete Structures. Proceedings of Structures Congress 2013 (pp. 1891-1902). ASCE.
[5] Zhong, H., Pan, C., & Yu, H. (2011). Buckling analysis of shear deformable plates using the quadrature element method. Applied Mathematical Modelling,35(10), 5059-5074.