

职  称:副教授
职  务:
专  业:电工,电子,自动化
电子信箱: xjw@lzu.edu.cn
传  真:
1996.09-2000.07:本科 华南理工大学 机械工程及其自动化
2005.09-2006.07:硕士 法国萨瓦大学 复合材料
2006.09-2009.12:博士 法国里昂国立应用科学院 电工,电子,自动化
2006.09-2009.12:法国里昂国立应用科学院 博士 基于能量流的冲击力识别
2010.01-2010.12:法国达芬奇大学 博士后 多尺度的材料磁致伸缩模型
2011.02-2012.01:比利时烈日大学 博士后 基于微机电系统的裂纹扩展仿真
2012.02-2012.05:德国空中客车公司 应力工程师
2012.10-2014.04:法国矿业大学 研究员 声发射与结晶
2014.10-2015.10: 法国国家科研中心 研究员 建筑结构稳定性
2015.11-2016.02: 法国巴黎高等师范大学 法国技术转移公司(SATT) 软件开发工程师
2016.03-2018.05: 法国voxpass公司 高级研究与开发工程师 语音识别
1. 结构健康监测
2. 声发射与结晶
3. 多尺度的材料磁致伸缩
4. 微机电系统的裂纹扩展仿真
5. 语音识别
6. 建筑结构稳定性
建筑制图 土木工程施工

1. 2010 年1月至 2010年12月 法国国家科研署(ANR) 项目执行者

2. 2011年2月 至 2012年1月 比利时基础研究基金会(FNRS)项目执行者

3. 2012年 空中客车公司A350 客舱通风系统稳定性测试 项目执行者

4. 2014年10月 至 2015年10月法国国家科研署(ANR)项目执行者

5. 2014年11月 至 2015年2月法国技术转移公司(SATT)项目执行者

6. 参与国家基金面上项目 弱有限元方法及其在无界区域Helmholtz时谐波散射界面问题中的应用 NSFC(grant no. 12171216)


1. X.J. Wang, B. Cao. Plasma Inverter power source control system which assistance ball milling, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Technology 65-67, June 2007
2. D. Guyomar, M. Lallart, T. Monnier, X.J. Wang and L. Petit, Passive impact location estimation using piezoelectric sensors, Structural Health Monitoring, 8(5): 357-367, 2009
3. X.J.Wang, D.Guyomar, K.Yuse, M.Lallart, L.Petit, Impact force detection using an energy flow estimator with piezoelectric sensors, Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China, 5(2):194-203, 2010
4. D. Guyomar, M. Lallart, L. Petit and X-J Wang, Impact localization and energy quantification based on the power flow: A low-power requirement approach, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 330(13): 3270-3283, 2011
5. D. Guyomar, X. J. Wang, L. Petit, M. Lallart, T. Monnier, K. Yuse, D. Audigier, Modeling of transient bending wave in an infinite plate and its coupling to arbitrary shaped piezoelements, Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical 171(2): 93-101, 2011
6. X.J. Wang, Y. Huang, T. Cai. Homogenization of macroscopic magneto-elastic behavior based on a microscopic model, Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 26(8): 2791-2794, 2013
7. X.J. Wang, Y. Huang. Identification of impact history based on an energy flow method, Journal of Test and Measurement Technology 04(27): 277-281, 2013
8. X.J. Wang, Y. Huang. Impact location of composite plates using piezoelectric sensors, Electronic Measurement Technology, 36(10):78-81, 2013
9. X.J. Wang, Y. Huang. Numerical Simulation Research for the Fracture of Thin Shells Based on Discontinuous Galerkin Method, Journal of Nanjing Institute of Technology: Natural Science Edition 11(03): 23-27, 2013
10. X.J. Wang, Y. Huang. Evaluation of Martensite faction volume in DP steels: energetical and multiscale methods, Journal of Magnetic Materials and Devices 45(01): 18-21, 2014
11. T. Michelitsch, B. Collet, X.J. Wang. Nonlocal constitutive laws generated by matrix functions: Lattice Dynamics Models and their Continuum Limits, International Journal of Engineering Science, 80: 106-123, 2014
12. X.J. Wang, O. Hubert, S. He, F-S. Mballa-Mballa, Y. Huang. Reversible magneto-mechanical modeling of heterogeneous media, Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 27: 2049-2058, 2014
13. Y. Huang, X.J. Wang, M. Gardoni, C. Amadou. A knowledge integration methodology for developing customized maintenance document, Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management (IJIKM), 9: 175-191, 2014
14. Y. Huang, X.J. Wang, M. Gardoni, C. Amadou. Task-oriented adaptive maintenance support system, Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 15(3): 1106-1112, 2015
15. X.J. Wang, Y. Huang, Identification of impact location based on impact energy, Electronic Measurement Technology, 38(11): 10-13, 2015
16. X.J. Wang, G. Févotte Y. Huang, T. Michelitsch, Acoustic Emission During the cooling Crystallization of Citric Acid, Powder Technology, 301: 70-77, 2016
17. X.J. Wang, Y. Huang, An investigation of the acoustic emission generated during crystallization process of salicylic acid, Powder Technology, 311: 350-355, 2017
18. D. Guyomar, M. Lallart, X.J. WANG, T. MONNIER, L. PETIT, Energy extraction-based force location estimation, in: F.K. Chang (Ed.), Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford, US, September 2007, pp. 1711-1718
19. D Guyomar, X.J. Wang, L Petit, M Lallart, Transient bending response between an impact force and a piezo-element bonded on an infinite plate. 3th SMSAE/ 4th SMEBA, 2008, Nanjing, China
20. G. Févotte, O. Yamina, X.J. WANG, Investigation of acoustic emission during the crystallization with phase transition of citric acid, Cristal 7, Toulouse et Albi, France, September 2013
21. G. Févotte, X.J. WANG, Y. Ouabbas, Acoustic Emission, a New Sensor for Monitoring Industrial Crystallization Processes, 19th IFAC World Congress August 24-29, 2014, Cape Town, South Africa.

22. Xingjun, Wang. Huang,Ying. Thomas, Michelitsch. Acoustic emission detection of crystallization in two forms:monohydrate and andydrous citric acid, Pharmaceutical development and technology, 2019,24(4):419-426

23. Xingjun, Wang. Huang,Ying. Thomas, Michelitsch. Modeling of magneto-elastic behavior under perturbations of spontaneous magetic field, Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism, 2020(33):707-711

24. Xingjun, Wang. Huang,Ying. Thomas, Michelitsch. Evaluation of magnetic-mechanical coupling behavior of multiphase magnetostrictive materails, Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism, 2020(33):1231-1239

25. Xingjun, Wang. Quanmin, Xie. Ying, Huang. Study on the frequency of acoustic emission signal during crystal growth of salicylic acid, Nanotechnology Reviews, 2021(10):596-604

26. Wei, Sun. Tao, He. Xingjun, Wang. Jingshu, Zhang. Tijiong, Lou. Developing an anchored near-surface mounted (NSM) FRP system for fuller use of FRP material with less epoxy filler, Composite Structures,2019(226):111251.